** A minimum of 5 full days notice is required for whole cakes! Cake order pickups are available Wendesday through Saturday and our bakery is only open for walk-ins on Fridays & Saturdays. Thanks loves!***

Kitchen Update.


48 hours ago I used my new shared kitchen to bake up more cakes and pies and brownies and treats than ever before and sold out at @chicagoveganmania just 15 min before closing time—feeding literally everyone who came to my table. Less than 24 hours later, I got this email. After only shy of two months settling in to my new space, I was informed that @thepilotworks is shutting down immediately, meaning myself & the hundreds of other small businesses using their kitchens have less than a week to grab all their belongings and vacate before the doors close for good. Sometimes I feel like this life is testing me...trying its hardest to push me past my limits, drain my spirit, and force me to my knees. Things happen over and over that seem impossibly timed or senseless, things that make you sit there with your jaw dropped thinking what the actual fuck. But I can tell you right now, after everything I’ve been through these past four years fighting to run this business ethically & with integrity, I’ll be DAMNED if I give up now 💕 I’m taking the next few days to move my stuff out and figure out what my next steps will be. And in the mean time, I’m sending so much love to all of you for making me feel so happy yesterday that the shock of this didn’t damage my spirit one single bit. Seeing your smiling faces and all your heartfelt posts about my treats yesterday was everything. It meant the absolute world to me ✨ I know I will find a silver lining in this. There just has to be.